
Google To Create A Real Headset Along With Its Cardboard Headset.

We all have seen the cardboard headsets that Google has created and other companies have since reproduced. You have many choices to choose from. Just take a look at the selection of carboard headsets: Google Cardboard. I think Google finally had enough and started to build its own real headset. After Apple’s rumors of building a Virtual Reality headset, I think Google didn’t want to be left behind. Well- now rumors of Google making its own VR headset featuring a screen, a processor, and outward facing cameras. Google is reportedly improving its other cardboard VR headset also.

It looks as though Virtual Reality is getting people excited -Oculus Rift’s pre-order at $599. Google and Apple are getting into the game, but I guess Oculus Rift (Facebook bought Oculus Rift for $2 billion dollars) is ahead of the game. Of all things tech, who knew Facebook -a social media website would be ahead of the game leaving Google and Apple behind.



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