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Square Cash Vs Venmo. Who Wins?

Square Cash wins. Period. Thats it. Square Cash vs Venmo? Which is better? Square Cash is better than Venmo because of a couple of things. 

1. Speed- Square Cash is fast -wicked fahst. It seems Square has found a way to transfer and receive money instantly through bank accounts. When you receive money from Square Cash there is an instant tansfer to your bank account displaying as a “Refund SQC”. Square Cash found a faster way to transfer funds by using refunds as transfers instead of how other services like Venmo use regular transfers taking up to three business days because of security purposes. 

2. Better design than Venmo. Square Cash is more user friendly and easier to use than Venmo. 

3. Even Snapchat uses Square Cash services for their snap cash, Snapchat uses the help of Square Cash’s methods for instant cash transfers.

If you haven’t tried Square Cash, please try it out and spread the word. They are the king of transfering money. Try the Cash app using code and get $5 HHJSXDP 



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